Thursday, May 29, 2014

March 2014 Update

I didn't realize how behind I had gotten in my updates.  Started that new job; I love it.  It's been a total game changer in my overall work-life balance.  I definitely still want to get to FI and RE, but I'm not nearly as obsessed since I have a much happier job situation.  I hope it lasts until I am ready to retire!

March Net Worth Update:

Category: Balance (Change)

Cash: $44,343 (-5,023)

Non-retirement investments: $120,828 (-267)

Retirement investments: $314,058 (+533)

Kids' 529s: $35,486 (+3,162)

Total Net Worth: $514,715 (-1,595)

Well, it's never fun to see NW go down, but the market does what it does.  I just keep doing what I'm doing and keep trying to do it better.  Next post, April Update.

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